Friday, November 6, 2009

Children Reading and Learning

Young children love to read -- or to be read to, if they are very young. We want them to enjoy reading because it is mostly through reading that they learn about other people, places, activities, and customs. After a few years in school, however, many begin shying away from books.

Although it's important to learn why an individual child has learned to dislike reading (due, for example, to learning disability, vision problems, or no opportunity to practice), the purpose of this blog is not to address those issues directly. Think of this blog as being a "Dear Abby" for helping parents and teachers to come up with fresh ideas and activities for coaxing children and teens to read.

Topics will include book suggestions, activites to draw a child's interest, activities to help our child improve reading skills, comprehension exercises, social interaction examples, and virtually anything that might help your child become an excellent and enthusiastic reader.

Two ways for your questions to reach me:

1. Add your question to the Comments area below;


2. Email your questions to me at:


Let's get started!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dr. Ellie (oh, this is so fun!),

    I recently started substitute teaching on all levels, from high school down to elementary, including special ed. My first gig, shortly after the start of the school year, was a 2nd grade class (so basically it was a terminal 1st grade class still gearing up). Most of the kids really impressed me, but there was one little fella that seemed bound and determined to be a behavior problem right from the get-go. He wouldn't listen to instructions, wouldn't sit still, and was basically constantly causing a disturbance. He obviously wasn't dumb, because some of the ploys he came up with would make a high-schooler proud. Also, when it came to art, his ability to concentrate was obvious. But when it came to reading time, it became apparent that he was very much behind the others, and it obviously frustrated him, made it difficult to progress in other areas, and affected his self-esteem in negative ways.

    Like I said, I was a substitute, and new at it at that. But it was obvious even to me that he needs help. Given my limited perspective, I suppose it's possible that the regular teacher can, and is, providing it. Or someone else is. But there was no indication of either the day I was there.

    So here's the question: should I have tried to bring my observations to someone else? Another teacher perhaps? Or the principal? In the end I decided it would have been too presumptuous of me under the circumstances. But I still think about it.

    The Conflicted Docent


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