Tuesday, November 23, 2010

American Education Week and Arne Duncan's Blog

It's American Education Week. AEW started the Monday before Thanksgiving and lasts only 3 school days. What does this say about education? And what does Arne Duncan blog about?

The intent of AEW's placement might be that we remember to be thankful for free education, but having it during the shortest school week of the year may be sending a different message--that education does not merit a full five days of recognition. Yet, our nation has fallen so far behind the rest of the planet's modern countries, that we need an entire month of honor to get it back on its feet. Or maybe that's just it--American education may not merit a full week anymore.
Lately, I've been following Arne Duncan's blog. (In case you don't know who Dr. Duncan is, he's the Secretary of Education in the current administration.) Dr. Duncan (or one of his assistants) blogs about Blue Ribbon schools, which is great. He's also asking for ways to improve schools, teaching, and home-school communication.

Make sure to visit Arne Duncan's blog and tell him what you think will help. The more information he gets--especially from the home, not just teachers and school administrators--the bigger the impact can be. If you are parents or caregivers, you know better than anyone what is best for your child. Let Arne Duncan know, too!!

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!! Remember to include a prayer of thanks for the teachers who do their best with the nation's children--especially our own!

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